I used to think that a large part of my work was to find new, interesting projects by convincing people of the difference Engaging Minds makes.
But, I’ve come to realise that my job isn’t to convince or persuade.
Rather, it is simply to find like-minded people!
It’s exactly what I’ve done all my life. My friends, associates, and everyone else I enjoy hanging out with are my ‘like-minded’ people. They share my desire to understand the world and make it a better place. They tend to be curious, caring and determined types. And guess what? This description fits ALL of the clients that have ever engaged us for our strengths work. Doh!!
So, this year, my New Year’s Resolution is simple – to do more of what I’ve always done. That is, to find more like minds to work with.
What will you be aiming to do more of in 2017?
Sally Bibb’s book Strengths-based Recruitment and Development: A Practical Guide to Transforming Talent Management Strategy for Business Results (the first on the subject) is published by Kogan Page.